Anastasia Belinskaya is a multidisciplinary artist with backgrounds in architecture and photography. She lives and works in London.


My artistic practice is material-oriented.

Every object and device has a body made of material that was prior extracted from the surface of our planet. I explore this materiality, looking closer to the themes of excavation and mining, geology and archeology, underworlds, time, cyclicality of life and death, alchemy, and continuity of matter.

My field of research includes philosophic theories of new materialism and existentialism, the anti-individualist approach of Deleuze and Guattari, and Freud's idea of the uncanny.

For many of my works, I chose coal as the main character. It is the essence of life on our planet and the most carbon-containing substance that bridges temporalities. Figuratively speaking, coal was us millions of years ago.

I want to give agency to materials and co-create with them, to counter extractivist and consumerist thinking about our world, so labour and time are an important part of my working process.


MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies at Central St Martins, University of the Arts, London

Moscow Architecture Institute, MA in Architecture (Architectural Theory)

© 2024 Anastasia Belinskaya